Wednesday 25th June 1913
Hurrah! Dollie will be back as planned; Alexandra Day; Ladies Day; Poincare has at last arrived – shame about the rain.
Arthur to Dollie
Belsize Grove, N.W.
Thanks awfully for your dear letter of yesterday. I’m glad you think the house at Farnborough will suit you, and that it has a tennis court. As to coming to Camp on Ladies Day, I shall look forward awfully to seeing you, if it can be managed … By the way, if it can be managed, we shall try and arrange for Dick to spend 10 days in Camp with us, coming to us on the 7th August, when his O.T.C. Camp breaks up.
I am pleased that your Mater has apparently decided definitely to return on the 4th – only nine more days. Have you got sunburnt at all? You darling, I am longing to see you.
Last night I went to Chelsea as usual – I am getting on quite well – we probably have our first test tonight. On Saturday we are going to fire at Wormwood Scrubbs, which is great fun. Alfred was out at H.Q. when I got back. Pater and his friend left by the midnight train and this morning wired to say that he had arrived safe and that Edgar was very well. We expect him back on Friday or Saturday.
Today it is fearfully windy and it poured for about half an hour before lunch. It is Alexandra Day on about three times the scale that it was last year. There is also a great fete and battle of flowers at Hendon Aerodrome. Marie, Connie and Florence have gone off up there. The President came into the City today for lunch at the Guildhall – a very big affair. I went to the City as usual this morning and had a lot to do, as I had to go West on two matters. I intended to walk up along the route Poincare traverses to the City – but the crowds were terrific and it began to pour with rain, so I came home by tube.
Please excuse my writing. I am in my room and have a most ancient and dilapidated nib – also the weird collection of strange notepaper that I’ve written to you on – Mater hasn’t got any foreign left in the house, so I do the best I can… Everyone asks me “What news from Paris” or “good news today” – “how is SHE” and apparently are very kind. Alfred is going to play tennis with Edouard on Saturday and wants to ask him back here on Sunday…