20th December 1915
20th December 1915 Arthur is tired – it has been a long day; their section of the front was a strafed in the afternoon, leaving 2 wounded; Arthur is cheered by the arrival of a letter from Dollie and a … Continued
20th December 1915 Arthur is tired – it has been a long day; their section of the front was a strafed in the afternoon, leaving 2 wounded; Arthur is cheered by the arrival of a letter from Dollie and a … Continued
19th December 1915 Arthur explains to Dollie the trauma of their recent re-assignment to the 23rd Londons; they are now at the front, instead of further back, in the support trenches: Arthur has command of a pretty big front – … Continued
18th December 1915 A very short note; Arthur has had a ROTTEN day; he is writing from his fleabag in the cellar; tomorrow morning at 3am they move up to the front line. Arthur to Dollie In my fleabag, & … Continued
17th December 1915 Arthur is practically in command of all working parties in their section; a very wet day to be out; he has sketched the site of fierce fighting around the local Chateau – graves abound, with glimpses of … Continued
16th December 1915 Arthur has decided to ask sister Daisy to help Dollie with shopping for the Agius family Christmas presents; the Officers are sleeping on a cold, stone floor in a cellar about 2 miles from the front line; … Continued
15th December 1915 Description of the two-day journey to their current position; an early start and memories of an earlier train journey [from Etaples] – before the brigade first saw action; a long cold search for the Officers for any … Continued
13th December 1915 Confusion about Dollie’s current whereabouts [Eastbourne] – the redirected letters are taking a while to get through; a lecture by Brigade Major Pope on “Trench Discipline” – an old friend from Arthur’s Garhwal days; news of … Continued
12th December 1915 Heavy rain and snow, but Arthur makes it to church for Mass, after a lazy breakfast; a wet end to the Brigade football Tournament; a note to Alphonse that last week’s London papers [The Sphere, Illustrated London … Continued
11th December 1915 A short letter from Arthur – he’s exhausted from parade and map work for the CO and is looking forward to the arrival of the miniature from Dollie. Arthur to Dollie Billets, Satur. Even. 9.30pm … Thanks … Continued
10th December 1915 A boxing tournament at Allouagne interferes with Arthur’s letter writing schedule; afterwards his war horse, Ben, is keen to make it back home to his shed; a test firing of the new Lewis gun – which is … Continued