20th February 1916
Arthur remembers his sad parting from Dollie – just one week ago; some of his letters have finally arrived home in Hampstead – but not the ones describing his journey back to France by train and boat; the luxury of having a small but adequate bathtub in his bedroom.
Arthur to Dollie
Hotel du Commerce, Sunday 1.20pm
… Your Friday letter came to-day: thanks awfully for it, dear. I’m so glad that at last you have heard from me. The letter about my journey I gave to the R.T.O. at Longpre on Monday morning and he promised to post it for me. I had hoped that you would thus get it on Wednesday. It contained letters I wrote on board at Folkestone, at Boulogne & at Longpre – so I hope it will turn up.
To-day DG is very fine but cold. I spent most of the morning in church from about a quarter past ten until twelve. Lunch at half-past. Evie has just got the letter that we wrote him for his birthday! Thanks us very much. Do you remember last Sunday – alas by now I had already left. I miss you awfully dear, & just long for our reunion – God bless you.
Last night we borrowed the gramophone from HQ & played it during & after dinner. I came to bed at 9 & had a priceless bath in a tub in my room. The tub was a bit small – but the water compensated for it; it was boiling!
How is your Mater, dear, & all at home, things running smoothly? I shall try & get a metal flask this afternoon.