18th July 1916
Dollie and her Mother have arrived safely in Eastbourne – a wonderful admission from Arthur – that he has never seen Dollie in bathing kit; he remembers another happy holiday occasion when they walked to the tea gardens at Seaford; meanwhile more dull weather for Arthur, as he continues attending various lectures and demonstrations on sniping, map work and the Royal Flying Corps.
Arthur to Dollie
Tues even. 9.45pm
… Thanks ever so much for your dear letter of Saturday last to say that you had arrived in Eastbourne. You darling, you dare ever suggest that your letters are uninteresting: anything that has to do with you, means more to me than anything else in the world. If you could see my joy when I hear from you, my disappointment when the mails fail me. Thank heaven, they have been awfully good lately.
I want to ask you a favour please, little one. Do you remember the ribbon I wore my identity disc on. It has literally, fallen to bits. Would you dear send me another bit, please… [I would be] immensely proud to wear it.
Tell me, dear, whereabouts is Gorringe Road in Eastbourne? I’m afraid I have forgotten my geography of the place rather; and I love to try and picture you … I’ve some sort of an idea that Gorringe itself is a village out behind Eastbourne. I can picture you quite well at Seaford. Do you remember the hot day we went to the tea gardens. I’ve forgotten the name of the place. But we were awfully energetic & walked. I remember so well. We saw a heron on the way.
To-day has been fairly strenuous. The weather was very dull & heavy this morning: but this evening it has cleared up rather. We had no early parade. After breakfast various demonstrations in sniping & a lecture on field sketching. This afternoon physical drill & bayonet fighting – great fun – and another lecture – a very interesting one – by a colonel in the Flying Corps. From tea to Mess I’ve been working on my notes.
How is your Mater. I hope she is all the better for the change. And how are you, little one …I so do hope you are enjoying yourself. Are you going to bathe .. I have never seen you in bathing kit!