27th November 1918: Adela is feeling decidedly overworked – her boss is still away. The main culprits are the Belgians – who cause her no end of grief! Dinner with the Mater – with so few family home they dine in the library. Edgar’s camera is found, at long last, so now they can get some film for the right model. Daisy has rallied, and is well enough to be forthright about the photographs Adela has had taken to send to Edgar. Unfortunately the long letter Edgar wrote to Adela’s father has not arrived …
Commission Internationale De Ravitaillement
India House
Kingsway WC2
Wednesday 27th November, 1918
…Coonie and I are so tired we don’t know what to do. Shudd being still away & people asking me things I know nothing about but have to pretend to do!! Who suffers in the end I don’t know, but I’m quite decided if I met a Belgian I’ll kill him, as they cause all the work here…
I’m going to have dinner alone with the Mater tonight, in the library as the dining room is so lonely. Cheers and will write tonight as usual …
58 Howitt Road,
Wednesday night,
… I’ve just returned from No3 – alone! Aren’t I getting brave in the dark? Daisy is much better. Most extraordinary, what has been the matter with her. She hasn’t been ill, but just felt rotten all the time. I’m awfully glad she is better. Nannie & I found the camera tonight & being sent to you tomorrow. Nannie is trying to get you some film for me in the morning.
I’m glad you like the photos dear. I don’t remember the numbers. Everybody here liked the side face one best & none of the others. You don’t see so much of the face. I always look funny. I told you before I went didn’t I? I don’t care a fig if nobody likes them as long as they please you.
I’ve got quite a nice job at the office and am quite happy. I’m longing for the day when you come home. I daren’t think of it. I told you didn’t I that Father hasn’t had your letter? Won’t it be lovely if he comes home in the spring? …