30th November 1918: Adela has been to the theatre with friends and the plot is still buzzing round her head. Maggie & Joe were at the Grove in the evening; Alfred is home for the weekend. Early Mass at St Dominic’s tomorrow with the Mater, then lunch with Col & Mrs Rhind and family at the club. Edgar will be 30 tomorrow and she lives in hope if him getting Christmas leave.
58 Howitt Road,
Saturday night, 30th November 1918
… I just received a topping letter from you tonight. At first when I came in I thought I wasn’t going to get one, but the post was very late so I wasn’t disappointed. In fact I was so pleased I wanted to answer it there and then, but thought I’d better wait till I came to bed and go round to No3. Joe & Maggie were there & Alfred.
I’m having lunch tomorrow with the Rhinds at the club so we shall see Jack and Co. I did enjoy the theatre this afternoon. I did wish you had been there, it really was beautiful… I wish you’d seen that play this afternoon. It’s all about a man who is very in love with his wife and she cools off etc. Read the cutting I’m passing on. I think it’s rather sweet.
I’m going to church with the Mater before I go tomorrow at 10. About your camera dear, it’s coming as soon as the film arrives. I’m glad you got the gloves and breeches. Do you know it’s half past twelve!! It’s your birthday tomorrow Edgar, I wish I were somewhere near you.
I’m still living in hopes of you coming home for xmas!!