20th November 1918
20th November 1918: General opinion last night at the Grove was that Adela was not quite well enough to return to her digs in the fog – despite having moved all her belongings back to Howitt Road! Adela is determined … Continued
20th November 1918: General opinion last night at the Grove was that Adela was not quite well enough to return to her digs in the fog – despite having moved all her belongings back to Howitt Road! Adela is determined … Continued
19th November 1918: Adela is now well enough to leave the Grove and has been out to have some fresh air with Arthur & Dollie, but alas Daisy is now under the weather. Adela meets an old flame of Edgar’s … Continued
18th November 1918: A very weak Adela has been allowed downstairs. Some sad news for Adela and a mysterious visitor at the Grove. 3 Belsize Grove, NW3 Monday 18th November 1918 … I just came downstairs & can hardly stand … Continued
17th November 1918: Adela is still in bed at the Grove, suffering with flu, but is in good spirits. Daisy, Nannie and Alfred are taking excellent care of her. Alfred has been out on the town all night – going … Continued
16th November 1918: Recovering in bed from the flu, Adela is well placed to view the comings and goings at the Grove. ETA has already begun to plan for the future now the hostilities are officially over, and will be … Continued
15th November 1918: Poor Adela – she can hide the fact no longer that she is ill – Daisy has sent her to bed at the Grove. Meanwhile Maggie Agius is returning home soon – and Joe is overjoyed. Adela … Continued
14th November, 1918: Back at work, Adela takes advantage of her bosses absence to warm herself by his office fire; she fears she has the flu now. [The post from France must be very regular if she fears Edgar telling … Continued
13th November 1918. Adela to Edgar (Agius) Adela was sent home yesterday from work by her boss, who noticed she was less than well. On her way back to Howitt Road she called in at the Grove and had … Continued
12th November 1918: The day after the Armistice. Adela is back to work at India House; “It’s a lovely morning again and everybody so happy & full of life … the people are still drunk & mad in the streets”. … Continued
11th November 1918: Almost a normal start to the day at India house for Adela. But at 11am the guns sound and London goes wild with relief. Given the rest of the day off, Adela and her work companions … Continued