20th December 1918

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20th December 1918: A frozen Adela writes to Edgar from work – just a short note after a hectic evening at No3. The troops are gathering for Christmas and D. Ambrose brought the twins back from Downside for the holidays. George is a little under the weather and Nannie is none too pleased – until Adela and D. Ambrose perk them up with high jinx in the nursery.

58 Howitt Rd.
Belsize Park

Friday 20th December 1918

… I’m not cold this morning I’m frozen. Coonie & I went over to No3 last night. What a mob!! Tank [D. Ambrose] was there, he really is rather a dear. George {Denaro] has a boil under his arm & he had to have it attended to, so I went up in the nursery with him & Nannie was like a bear with a sore head, until I chased her round, & she was quite cheery in the end. Then Tank came up & we had a fine time.

Of course George & I did nothing but cheek each other the whole time, so I expect we shall have a stand up fight in a couple of days!! I love that kid, don’t you? And Tony [Cassar] is perfectly sweet, he really is. Tank is very sorry you aren’t here for Xmas.

Anyhow darling I hope wherever you are you’ll be very cheery & happy & all Xmas’s after this one we’ll be together. If you’re away ever again I shall come after you !!!

I’m just going to complain about the cold in this room. It’s not good enough. I [am] simply frozen. They can’t expect you to work if your hands are dead can they? Of course I can always write letters to you !!!