19th February 1916
Arthur catches up with Dollie’s brothers [Edouard and Evie Noel], just back from leave, and now in charge of two Companies; Arthur is in charge of a third Company. He hopes to visit Abbeville by rail whilst stationed at Airaines; a problem with payment for his new clothes whilst home – Dollie has questioned the amount on the bill!
Arthur to Dollie
Hotel du Commerce, Satur. 3.15pm
… Thanks awfully for your letter of Thursday. I just love to hear from you, dear, and get very excited when the mail comes in. For I am feeling awfully dull away from you, darling: it is almost too hard to bear. But bear it we must & with brave hearts, praying to God, that in His Goodness, He may see fit to re-unite us soon…
Last night I had dinner with Abbott. Garrard was there just back from leave, Minshull, Brady, up from Hospital at Etretat & the two boys {Dollie’s brothers]. Both are very fit. I expect you have heard from them.
This morning the men had baths, so we had breakfast late, i.e. at half-past 9. I’ve been doing various things since – making some plans & notes, reading, inspecting billets &c. To-morrow we are going to try & get over to A—v—e [Abbeville] on the railway for the afternoon. Yesterday afternoon we were busy, improving the men’s billets. The weather to-day is very dull & cloudy but it has [not] rained yet. It simply poured all yesterday.
Thanks for the letter from Hamburger Rogers. I’ll write to them & let you know. Of course I shall take your advice, dear, & only pay for the slacks. 38/- seems a ridiculous price & I shall ask them about it before I pay. I’m awfully glad the locket has turned up. Is it all right?