19th December 1916
Arthur is finally home again, never to return to France and The Western Front (although he doesn’t know this until he is able to look back after the war). In January 1917 he was showing signs of shell-shock and , … Continued
Arthur is finally home again, never to return to France and The Western Front (although he doesn’t know this until he is able to look back after the war). In January 1917 he was showing signs of shell-shock and , … Continued
Arthur sends news that he is on his way home …
17th December 1916 Arthur’s last known letter to Dollie from the Western Front: it is Sunday and he has been to Mass and Communion with brother Alfred. No mail today, and in the replay of the football match, Arthur’s team … Continued
16th December 1916 In anticipation of leave, Dollie suggests Arthur and she stay at No3 for Christmas [instead of at the Noel’s]. The weather is sunny and the men’s football match ends in yet another draw – so they will … Continued
15th December 1916 Arthur is almost mad with excitement – a warning note has been handed to him indicating that his leave is likely to start on 19th : “I am feeling absolutely intoxicated, dear, with the thought that, by … Continued
14th December 1916 Arthur has been at the Brigade all day – sitting on a Court Martial. During lunch there is a spirited conversation with the Brigadier about who would go home first if peace is declared: “… Regulars, Territorials … Continued
13th December 1916 A long chatty letter from Arthur – and a Christmas card. Dollie seems to have it fixed in her head that brother Edouard may have some say in granting Arthur’s leave – but Arthur reassures her … Continued
12th December 1916 A short note from an exhausted Arthur – who has been at HQ most of the afternoon and evening. The old CO “Sammy” is due to return tonight, but Arthur fears there may be trouble ahead, as … Continued
For a 2nd day we have a letter from Dollie to Arthur as well as that from Arthur to Dollie. 11th December 1916 A snapshot of Dollie’s married life – while still living at home with Mother. Her brothers … Continued
10th December 1916 Arthur has heard more promising news about the longed-for months leave – the CO had written a supporting letter when he forwarded the application; more meetings with brother Alfred, including Sunday Mass and a trip to buy … Continued