1st March 1916

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1st March 1916

The Company are settling into the usual routine in new billets at St Ouen – an early morning run for the officers, parades and a route march for the men; the weather has been glorious and Arthur hears his first lark of the season; he is also delighted that they now have an RC padre in their Mess.

Arthur to Dollie

Billets,            Wed. even 9pm

… To-day has been a busy day for me: just as well, for there was no mail. The time seems so slow & dull without any news. This morning we went for our early run at 7.15: brekker at 8 & on parade again at 9. We were on parade until half-past eleven: it has been a glorious day. This morning I heard a lark! The first for a long time. I felt awfully homesick, just longed to have you by my side dear & I’d be perfectly happy.

This afternoon all the subalterns and NCOs paraded under the Serj. Major from 2 – half-past three: I took the Company for a route march. After tea I paid out the Company: which took nearly until dinner.

An RC Padre joined us to-day & is living in our mess – his name is Birch. He seems a pretty decent sort of chap: bit strange to his surroundings, for he only came out last Thursday. I’m very glad he has come.

There is very little other news, dear one; there are a lot of fellows here talking and writing. To-morrow we have our usual parades: in the afternoon the men are having baths. I just love your miniature, dear: it seems to make your darling presence closer than ever. God bless you for it. You are a generous little soul to have given it to me…


Miniature of Dollie…

Miniatures - Dollie