3rd October 1916

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3rd October 1916

Arthur is hopeful of leave for the middle of the month: “…we had all hoped that after this three weeks and the attainment of our objectives, (that were Morval & Les Boeufs) that we should get right back & that leave would open for us. Now however we are in again in order to help another division; but we have been told that it will only be for about 8 days at the most; & that that will see the finish of our activity as a division”. Dollie and Arthur are in agreement that they do not want a wedding breakfast – but to escape the crowd as soon as possible – having waited so long for their day to arrive!

Arthur to Dollie


Your dear letter of Wednesday came yesterday: thanks a thousand times for it, little one – you are a dear. I only wish I could tell you, sweetheart, when I shall get leave. We had all hoped that after this three weeks and the attainment of our objectives, (that were Morval & Les Boeufs) that we should get right back & that leave would open for us. Now however we are in again in order to help another division; but we have been told that it will only be for about 8 days at the most; & that that will see the finish of our activity as a division. If that is so, dear, leave should be open about the middle of the month: in that case & if I am still in command, my leave does not come on the regimental roster & I should be able to get leave, on the date approximately that I asked for it. So much, dear, for the chances of the future & you see they are very bright, certainly before Christmas D.V.

In point of fact the Division have already asked for the names of men for leave, not by the ordinary roster, but as special cases: & from the 4th there will be two men per day from the Division. This seems to presage the early opening of leave once we get back. I am just longing to get home to you, my darling, every day seems to grow longer than its predecessor. Yet all the time, the hour of our happy reunion draws nearer, D.G.

About the time of the actual wedding, my darling, I agree with you about the wisdom of discarding all idea of a wedding breakfast. Both from my personal feelings & from the point of view of the expense, a wedding breakfast is “na poo”, as the local folk say. My one great wish is to marry you as soon as possible & then to get away with you also as soon as possible, that we enjoy each others company & avoid the “madding crowd”. My sweetheart, my dear little pal, I just want to be YOUR husband … to do all I can that you may be perfectly happy. God bless you, dear.

The weather is still unpleasant, though it shews signs of clearing up a bit. But the ground is most awfully muddy & wet, & the men who are living in open trenches, have rather a rotten time of it. Things have been pretty quiet since last night D.G. but then the weather is a great deal responsible for that…