30th October 1916

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30th October 1916

The honeymoon is over all too soon for Arthur and Dollie, but a surprisingly upbeat letter from Arthur – now on the evening train, heading back to France: “I used to yearn for the time when I might write My Wife. It’s just too glorious for words … Be brave, dear, as you know how – let us put our trust in God & pray together. God bless you dear once more…”.

Arthur to Dollie

In the train passing Raynes Pk, 4.48pm

… This is my first letter to you since our marriage. How wonderful it all seems. I remember writing in the old days – dear wife-to-be … I used to yearn for the time when I might write My Wife. It’s just too glorious for words.

I don’t know when this letter will reach you – not before to-morrow I expect … but I am with you always all the time my darling beloved just trying to make you happy. It is the one wish of my life – your dear happiness. God bless you.

Nothing can separate us we are one forged together by the wonder of eternal love… I thank you my beloved for all your sweet loving kindness. Little wife of mine, I love you with all my strength.

Be brave, dear, as you know how – let us put our trust in God & pray together. God bless you dear once more…




There was a delay in Arthur’s journey back to France because this telegram was sent in the evening and he returns to London for another precious day with his new wife.

Telegram 30th October