10th November 1916
Arthur is still longing for a letter from Dollie – but strangely a parcel has arrived – his breeches from No3 [Belsize Grove]. He is short of Subalterns for various reasons – but one replacement (Lidiard) is a brother of a man who was killed in Arthur’s company on July 1st. Arthur’s thoughts are understandably still focussed on his recent wedding: “…any further news of the photos? I sit gazing on the one of us leaving the church almost for hours… To-night three weeks ago I said Good-night to you for the last time as my fiancée. Our wedding eve – do you remember how tired we were – and the bedroom slippers that could not be obtained. I was so happy and excited at the thought of what the next day was going to produce. God bless you …and may he take care of you”.
Arthur to Dollie
Fri. even. 5pm
… Still no mail: I just hate it but hope for letters to come up with rations in an hours time. Strange to tell, last night there was a parcels mail: my breeches arrived from No3. The weather is still wonderfully fine. The moon is nearly at its full and shines all night. I love to think its just the same old moon that watches down on you, dear.
We are busy working day & night to keep the lines in good repair. This morning the Divisional Commander came round. The Brigadier was with him: and told him that I’d “perpetrated matrimony” whereon they both rather pulled my leg, all in good humour. But I was awfully bucked – I am so proud to be your husband.
Steele, one of my subalterns, went in the rest camp for a few days yesterday – he has had a touch of the ‘flu I think. Evelyn another sub. goes on a bomb course to-morrow, leaving me with only one, Gray. So “A” Coy, who are in support are lending me one – strangely enough, Lidiard, a brother of the Lidiard who was killed in my Coy on July 1st.
Edouard & Minshull came round this afternoon. I think Edouard expects his leave fairly soon. The Doc goes on leave to-morrow – he gets a fortnight as his year is up & he is signing on again.
By the way, sweet heart, any further news of the photos? I sit gazing on the one of us leaving the church almost for hours. You are a darling. God bless you. What do you do with yourself all day, little wife. I am yearning for your news. What room are you sleeping in? Have you been down to de Fonblanque, dear, with your Mater?
To-night three weeks ago I said Good-night to you for the last time as my fiancée. Our wedding eve – do you remember how tired we were – and the bedroom slippers that could not be obtained. I was so happy and excited at the thought of what the next day was going to produce. God bless you, little lover mine, and may he take care of you…