21st November 1916
Dollie has sent Arthur a new piece of ribbon for his identity disc and he is understandably overjoyed. News from brother Alfred – he is a bit fed up at Army School and Arthur will be glad of his company when he returns to the battalion. Today a calendar month ago Arthur and Dollie were married: “My heart aches for the sight of your sweet face. I have the snapshot of us leaving the Church always by me”.
Arthur to Dollie
Tues. 4pm.
… A letter arrived from you last night, with the ribbon for my identity disc. Thanks a thousand times, dear pal & lover: it cheered me immensely.
The weather here is fine again but very cold: there was a frost again last night. It was a wonderful night – the sky was intensely deep blue, & the stars were a glory to behold.
Everything is quiet: Maitland is back but I haven’t seen him. I had a letter from Alfred: I think he’s a bit fed up with the School. I think he is due back in about a weeks time. I shall be very glad to see him. James is back: he spoke of the luncheon he’d had with Evie [Noel] & Lloyd. He said that he didn’t take his wife: she was afraid lest she should be the only woman there. He is looking very fit.
I have a friendly little cat in here with me – very affectionate and extraordinarily clean.
My thoughts are very far away, today of all days – it is the 21st again. I am longing to hear how you have spent it. The time drags without you that flew so quickly when we were together. This time a month ago we were just made man & wife…. My heart aches for the sight of your sweet face. I have the snapshot of us leaving the Church always by me. I am eagerly looking forward to the one from Debenhams… God bless you, darling of my life; so Good-night – au revoir …
(Dear, could you send me some more paper & envelopes, please. This has simply vanished.)