Countdown to Armistice – 1

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1st November 1918

As we approach the centenary of The Armistice our thoughts will be with those who we’ve been following for the 4 years of the WW1 centenary, and , in particular , four who are still on the front line and yet to face some difficult days.

We will tell their story by way of the relevant War Diaries, Adela’s letters to Edgar and Charles Asphar’s letters home to Malta.

The over-riding position on this day is that the Allies are continuing their rapid advance, capturing territory and towns that have been held by the Germans for 4 years. Meanwhile President Wilson is trying to get the Germans to agree to his 14 points that would include the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm. Both sides know the end is nigh.

4 Maltese officers (3 with MCs) find themselves in the same place for these last days …

Major Arthur Samut MC (brother of Maggie Agius)
– 2nd Wiltshire Regiment in 19th Div

Major Charles Muscat MC (brother of Mary Muscat and 1st cousin to the Agius brothers)
– 7th South Staffs Regiment in 11th Div

Captain William Parnis MC (2nd cousin to Arthur Samut)
– Adjutant of 11th Machine Gun Battalion in 11th Div

Lt Charles Asphar (great friend of the Agius , Samut and Parnis families)
– 4th Machine Gun Battalion in 4th Div


2nd November